Ayat West.

asked • 02/01/21

My question is about chemical science , information technology says summate the number of atoms of Cl in 0.0425h of C2H4Cl2

Can you Solve it step by step please ? I accept a question about a footstep ,I want to get the number of moles of Cl , and then I demand to divide information technology's mass(g) past its molar or molecular mass ,

will the molar mass be just 35.5 g/mol because it'south Cl

or volition it be 71 g/mol because it Cl2.

I appreciate your aid .

1 Expert Answer

Well, it would be 35.5 for each Cl and there are ii of them in the formula. But what you want is not the molar mass or atomic mass of Cl, but the molar mass of C2H4Cl2, which is ~99 g/mol. Then your calculations would be...

0.0435 chiliad x 1 mole / 99 g = 0.000439 moles C2H4Clii = 4.39x10-iv moles

iv.39x10-4 moles C2HfourCl2 x half dozen.02x1023 molecules / mole x 2 Cl atoms/molecule = 5.29x1020 atoms of Cl

Ayat W.

Oh right , pitiful I fabricated a mistake , the question is the find the number of moles of Cl non atoms , so what would exist the answer in that example , please ?

J.R. Southward.


Ok. So moles of C2H4Cl2 = 4.39x10^-4. Moles of Cl would be twice that. Moles Cl = iv.39x10^-4 moles C2H4Cl2 x two mol Cl/mol C2H4Cl2 = 8.78x10^-iv moles of Cl

Ayat W.

Thank you so much .

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