
How To Use Transfer Paper Tattoo

For new tattoo artists, knowing how to create and utilise a stencil is essential if you desire to produce tattoos at a professional level. When you are starting out, avoid freehanding whatsoever designs onto the skin because information technology'southward likely you won't have the experience you need to pull information technology off notwithstanding. When you stencil a tattoo properly, your linework becomes x times easier.

By the end of this commodity, y'all'll know:

  • How to use tattoo transfer paper.
  • Multiple ways to create tattoo stencils (pen and transfer paper, Procreate, thermal printer, etc.).
  • How to gear up a customer'due south skin for stencil application.
  • How to avert smudging the stencil while tattooing.

Creating Tattoo Stencils By Manus

tattoo artist using tattoo transfer paper

Mitt-drawing tattoo stencils is an "old-school" method in the tattooing earth. Nonetheless, many artists volition cull this option because it builds musculus memory of the design before you attempt to tattoo it on pare.

What You lot Will Need:

  • Your pattern printed out on white paper
  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Thermographic Tattoo Transfer Paper

Each piece of a transfer paper packet has a purpose:

printable tattoo paper diagram

  1. i

    White master sheet - this where the design volition be applied
  2. ii

    Chocolate-brown protective canvass stops the primary sheet from getting carbon on it.
  3. 3

    Purple carbon paper (the "ink") layer.
  4. 4

    Yellow or white back paper protects carbon paper and provides stability. (This layer will not be present on 3-layer hand tattoo stencil newspaper, but will exist in that location on 4-layer thermal printing paper.)

Method one: How To Make A Tattoo Stencil by Hand

Hand Tattoo Stencil Tutorial:

rose tattoo on quality paper

Either impress or draw your image onto a regular canvas of white paper. (If you draw the image, photocopy it so you can continue the original unharmed.)

rose tattoo on tattoo transfer paper

Remove the brownish protective paper (which is sometimes chosen the "onion" newspaper). Place the epitome to a higher place the carbon paper.

traced image on tattoo transfer paper

Trace your image with a pencil or pen. Make sure you are pressing downwards hard enough so that the ink will stick to the dorsum of the white paper.

image on tattoo stencil paper

Carefully skin the tattoo transfer newspaper off the original pattern. Don't touch it with your hands, or the carbon will get on you.Yous'll come across your epitome reflected conspicuously on the back of your pattern in the carbon ink.

completed tattoo transfer

The back of the paper will have the carbon paper'southward ink.

stencil placed on skin using tattoo transfer paper

Cut the image out to prepare it for transfer onto the client.

Pro Tip

When stencilling portraits (or with realism in general), you lot don't want to outline the paradigm. The stencil is only there to guide where to put your shading, not where to put your lines. Typically, a solid line on a stencil shows where you will tattoo a hard line. Dotted lines on a stencil mark where your shading is going to get. To keep the portrait from getting too night on the peel, you tin use dots or "stippling" where the shading or darker lines would be. This keeps the image softer and prevents it from looking similar a drawing outline.

Creating Tattoo Stencils Digitally

Some artists prefer to work digitally to create their designs. It's much faster and more than efficient than drawing past hand. Procreate on the iPad is one of the top tools for this procedure, as it allows you lot to "draw" lines without using the multiple layers of tracing paper and physically drawing the image over and over. This is neat to make sure the lines on your stencil are absolutely perfect and have no wobbles.

What Y'all Volition Demand:

  • iPad
  • Procreate app
  • Tattoo transfer newspaper

Below you'll find a quick Procreate Tutorial (you volition need an Apple pen as y'all cannot "depict" with your fingers accurately in this app). This process tin be easily applied for artists that prefer to apply Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator on a PC; the apps accept very like user interfaces.

Method 2: Creating Digital Stencils

rose reference photo for tattoo images

Choose your reference image.

shading labeled on a rose tattoo

Digitally draw on LAYER 2.

rose stencil printed onto tattoo transfer paper

Print your design on thermal tattoo transfer paper.

Quick Procreate Tutorial for Creating a Stencil:

  1. i

    Open Procreate, click the"+" push, and select "screen size." This volition make your drawing space the size of your tablet, as if information technology were a piece of paper.
  2. ii

    Click the "Actions" button (the wrench) and cull"Insert Flat Paradigm." Y'all can then select a reference photo from your camera ringlet. Resize every bit needed.
  3. 3

    Select"New Layer." The push looks like two overlapping pieces of newspaper. Select the new Layer 2. You must e'er exist "drawing" on Layer Two. (Lock Layer Ane so y'all don't accidentally draw on it.)
  4. iv

    Select the"Castor" push button at the top and choose your size brush (this will determine how sparse/thick the lines you depict are). It's best to use a bright colour similar bright red equally your brush colour, as that will help you see where your lines are on top of the prototype.
  5. 5

    Zoom into where you want to start and brainstorm drawing your lines, zooming and moving the image as needed. Periodically, turn off the visibility of Layer One (where your original image is) to see how your stencil is looking.You tin also drib the opacity of the image to see your stencil lines more clearly.
  6. half dozen

    Select a thinner brush size andsection off where you volition be shading when it comes time to tattoo. (This can be with a dotted line, hashing or crosshatching, etc.) Make certain your brush is nottoo thin, or else the thermal printer will not choice information technology up. Have your time to pay attending to the shadows of the image and the pocket-sized details.
  7. 7

    When you are done,recolour your red lines back to blackness before sending the image to your computer for printing.
  8. eight

    Click the"Actions" push button and then the "Share" button. Send your prototype every bit ajpg file and either airdrop information technology to your computer or e-mail information technology to yourself, whichever works for you.
  9. 9

    Print the stencil and run it through the thermal heater with the thermal transfer paper (encounter Press section)
  10. 10

    Cut out your stencil. It is at present gear up to be laid on the skin!

Using a Thermal Printer

tattoo artist using tattoo stencil transfer paper in a tattoo shop

What is thermal printing?

Thermal printing is a method of perfectly transferring a drawn or printed image onto a stencil through the use of heat. Later on your thermal newspaper transfer paper and prototype run through a thermal printer, yous'll take an verbal replica of your prototype on a new slice of paper, except its lines will be fabricated of carbon printer ink instead of computer ink. Information technology is then ready to exist applied to pare.

Why is thermal press important?

Thermal printing can greatly increment the speed with which you create stencils and allows yous to easily create multiple stencils if one gets ruined, the client wants the image in a different area, etc.

How to use a thermal printer:

  1. i

    Take out the brown onion layer.
  2. ii

    Set your thermal paper to the side.
  3. 3

    Get your image (whether you printed it off the computer or have made a photocopy of your original drawing). You can either print on a full sheet or cut effectually the edges of the design. If you cutting it out, leave an extra 2 inches or so on one of the edges.
  4. 4

    Open upwardly the dorsum part of the motorcar and load the paper with thedark carbon newspaper facing downward and the white master sheet facing upwardly. Do your best to line upward the paper with the printer. If it goes in crooked, it will crinkle the stencil and jam the machine.


Occasionally, the paper won't exist loaded just right andthe paper will brainstorm to crinkle on its fashion out . If the stencil is usable, so you tin can simply cut it out and proceed. However, you might need to reprint the image onto a new canvas of thermal paper to get the stencil you need to complete the task.

  1. 5

    Close the machine over the paper. Y'all tin leave only a lilliputian bit sticking out at the other terminate of the motorcar. For example, yous tin allow the identify where the papers are attached together hang out the end.
  2. 6

    Feed the epitome into the auto with the actual image facing away from you/facing away from the buttons on the machine (every bit information technology will demand to face the carbon paper). Put the extra 2 inches or so infirst, as the machine needs a piffling piece of the newspaper to grab onto. Additionally, if you have your image cutting out, so make certain to place the partial piece of paper into the heart of the machine, not along one of the edges.
  3. 7

    Once the machine has grabbed a chip of the paper, select "Mirror" on the machine.
  4. eight

    Press "Copy."
  5. 9

    Don't pull too hard on the transfer paper, but you can assistance gently guide the transfer newspaper through the machine.
  6. x

    When finished, peel off the carbon paper and cut out your stencil; information technology's ready to exist applied to the skin!


If you are going touse scrap pieces for smaller images , only line upward the tracing paper and carbon newspaper and place in the auto equally usual, leaving that little chip hanging out at the tiptop. And so, when you feed your smaller image, make sure it is lined upwards with the carbon paper (and so you don't end up with a clipped or partial paradigm).

Are Hand-Drawn or Thermal-Printed Stencils Better?




Mitt-Drawn Stencils

  • Have the benefit of having drawn the blueprint multiple times before picking upward the tattoo auto.
  • Consummate command over the design in a way you can't have digitally.
  • If the stencil is somehow ruined, making a backup is a difficult process.
  • If the client wants it resized, you accept to redraw the unabridged design at a larger calibration.

Thermal Printer Stencils

  • Resize as needed without redrawing the entire piece.
  • Print as many as needed until the client is happy with placement.
  • Saves lots of time
  •  Go into the blueprint "cold" without much do         beforehand.

Preparing the Client's Pare

tattoo artist showing how to use tattoo transfer paper

Simply like with whatsoever other aspect of tattooing, you want to ensure that you lot're applying the stencil and preparing to tattoo in a sanitary and safe way.

What Y'all Will Need:

  • Green soap (with witch hazel)
  • Unused razor
  • Unscented paw sanitizer
  • Sterile surgical skin marker
  • Stencil solution/primer
  • Newspaper towels

Hither's our Step-By-Step Guide:

  1. 1

    Wash the area to be tattooed withGreen Soap containing witch hazel to preclude redness from shaving. Leave the peel wet and then it is easier to shave.
  2. ii

    Shave the area to prevent the pilus from messing upwardly the stencil. (Shave lightly to avert breaking the skin.) Brush abroad any hair with a paper towel and dry the skin.
  3. three

    Applyhand sanitizer. The alcohol will strip the oil out of the skin, clean any leftover hair and make the stencil stick better.
  4. four

    Lightly hold stencil over the peel andmark with a sterile surgical pare marker where the edges of your stencil will be so you can realign information technology easily subsequently the stencil primer is stale.
  5. 5

    Apply a stencil solution/primer and work it into the peel. Look for it to dry until it has achieved a tacky consistency on the skin (it will feel glutinous if you rapidly touch on it with the palm of your glove). Brand certain to dry your glove afterwards applying.Note: Some people use deodorant for this footstep, but but a few sure types of deodorant are constructive in keeping a stencil in place. Call up that deodorant can occasionally dry and fleck. Make sure to rub the deodorant on your glove starting time andthen apply it to the skin. Applying it direct to the peel contaminates the deodorant stick.
  6. 6

    Make certain your client is standing upwardly in a neutral position so they won't be flexing or twisting, as this will warp the stencil.
  7. vii

    Place your stencil, lining information technology up with the guiding lines you drew earlier.
  8. 8

    Press down starting from the centre and work your mode out.
  9. 9

    Concord the stencil onto the skin for a few moments to ensure the entire design has transferred. You'll want to let the stencil stay on the skin for about thirty seconds.
  10. x

    Peel off, starting at one of the edges.Pull off, not out to keep it from smudging. If the stencil peels, take that section off and and then start once more at another edge of the stencil.
  11. eleven

    Pat with a newspaper towel to take off whatever excess stencil ink.
  12. 12

    Wait ten-xv minutes to permit the stencil to dry. This volition assist forbid the stencil from smudging while you piece of work.

Working with a Stencil… Without Smudging

artist working in a tattoo shop

While you've hopefully practical the tattoo well enough that it's resistant to smudging, no tattoo stencil is smudge-proof. Especially when working with larger or more intricate pieces, ensuring your stencil stays on through the entire tattoo is essential. There are a few different means to watch out for your stencil while working on the tattoo itself.

What You Will Need:

  • Vaseline
  • Distilled Water
  • Paper Towels

Pro Tips to Prevent Smudging:

  1. 1

    Wipe away from the tattoo. Work from the lesser right of the design up to the top left (if you are right handed). When wiping the ink, wipe away from the untattooed stencil. You can't smudge what you have already tattooed. If you lot wipe ink on your stencil and then try to make clean information technology off, you will erase the stencil forth with the ink.
  2. 2

    Continue your hands off the stencil. The ink is responsive to thermal transfer. If yous residual your hand on the stencil while working, it will rub off of the client and onto y'all.
  3. three

    Brand a protective barrier. Apply a thin layer of vaseline to the whole tattoo after information technology has dried. This volition forestall the excess ink from your motorcar from existence absorbed by the pare, making it easy to wipe off without taking off the stencil.
  4. iv

    Rub off excess ink with distilled h2o. Instead of putting just dark-green lather on your paper towel, use unproblematic distilled water or heavily-diluted green lather. This volition remove ink and blood hands, and do less damage to the stencil. Exercise not apply anything with alcohol in information technology at this stage, as that is one of the quickest ways to smudge the stencil and cause skin irritation.

After yous finish tattooing, any lingering stencil should come off when you lot make clean everything with greenish lather.

Learn from the Pros

Knowing how to use tattoo transfer paper is merely a minor part of becoming a successful tattoo artist. Behind every stunning tattoo blueprint is a vast knowledge of the craft from sanitation practices to proper needle depth.

Piecing together data from different corners of the internet can give you outdated or unhelpful information, and taking on a solo-DIY approach can add years to the learning bend and even be dangerous. If the standard 2-4 year unpaid tattoo apprenticeship is not an option for your life or finances, check out Tattooing 101'southward Artist Accelerator Program.

Nosotros created the Tattooing 101 Online Course to assist artists from all walks of life pursue their passion for tattooing safely, while still fostering creativity and exploration. Our online class provides you with the information yous demand from professionals in the manufacture so you learn at your own pace at home. Join our students and become from beginner to professional tattoo creative person in as fiddling as 90 days.

Looking for a tattoo apprenticeship?

Tattooing 101's Artist Accelerator ninety solar day program is the closest thing to a existent apprenticeship

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How To Use Transfer Paper Tattoo,


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